Subah Samajik Unnayan Sangstha

Betterment for the Disabled Child

SUBAH received Prime Minister’s Trophy (Third Prize) for good work in Afforestation in 2012

SUBAH received Prime Minister’s Trophy (Third Prize) for good work in Afforestation in 2012.

July 2, 2024

People in Bangladesh living with disabilities are entitled to government support, but programs have been limited in scope and restricted to urban areas, and the question of disability has not been integrated into general development programs. In response, NGOs such as the Centre for Disability in Development have moved to provide assistance to people with disabilities.
Perceptions of disability among most Bangladeshis remain largely negative. Especially in rural areas, disability is often viewed as a curse brought on by the misdeeds of parents, and is often believed to be contagious. Children with and without disabilities seldom become friends, creating a separation that continues in adult life. SUBAH is going to implement Education for Children with Special Needs Program very soon.

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